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Qardio x Apple WWDC

Connected care with predictive insight for a changing world.

After being contacted by Apple to continue our relationship with building elements to be used in their World Wide Developers Conference.

We were tasked with adding value to Apple Watch’s new bluetooth refresh rate, which Qardio’s hardware has taken advantage of. I started by developing my initial ideas and building user journeys based around whether the Blood Pressure monitor our our ECG holter would be best solve the request.

Working within the confines of the complications used by the Apple Watch, it was my job as design lead to build full design ideas and present them to the Apple Watch team.

I first started building what I would make with complete freedom and then moved into iterating over across the two selected user journeys. I focused on finding the maximum amount of value to each complication and visualising complex medical data that can be understood and monitored at a glance.

The constant data being sent with this new bluetooth refresh rate was something I took into consideration and tried not to make it feel to overwhelming.

Role: Design Lead

Contribution: Design Lead / Visual Design / Design Strategy / Presentation / iOS Design

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